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Ready for cooler days?

 Take out your autumn-winter warmer shoes.
 Also a warmer coat.
 Don't forget to take out another scarf, because one is just NOT ENOUGH. To carry your gloves with you all the time. Because just don't want your hands blue of the coldness. And to buy a cup for coffee, which you can drink on your way to school.
 A good hairdryer is also a must. When washing hair in the morning, we don't want to get meningitis or other nasty illness on the way to school because of the wet hair.
 If there is no time to visit a solarium, self-tan lotion is a thing to have. Of course, not the kind that makes you look like an orange, but a light tan, just no to be TOO white.
 A warmer scent of perfume is needed.
Don't forget to take out of the closet your warmest sweater. It is essential when going out, or just at home.
And of course, CHOCOLATE. The thing that gives a lot of warmth.

So, my list of what I need to have when the air gets cooler is done. I might have forgotten some things. But these are the things that I can't live without these days.

5 komentarai:

Beach at Night rašė...

SOKOLADAS! Pykes menesi be sokolado nu dar dvi savaites liko bet nebeliko tos manijos man kad kiekviena diena po plyta suryti. Joooo man irgi reikia termosiuka pradeti nesiotis i mokykla. Arba pakeliui kioske nusipirkti kavikes pvz. Latte. KAIP UZSIMANIAU!

Kotryna rašė...

siandien, Veronikut, suvalgei plyta sokolado;DD su tuo ir sveikinu;D
patiko sarasiukas!

T rašė...

Ilgai truko, V, tavo šokolado vengimas. Jau panirusi giliai į šį priklausomybės liūną esi :DD Nešiokis termosiuką, ir pigiau, ir mieliau, ir skaniau!!!
K, Ačiū! :)

charmant rašė...

radau TOBULĄ blogą! You're my favorite from now. ;) begalo patiko šitas post'as.

T rašė...

Kaip miela girdėti!:* Tavasis blog'as, kad ir dar mažai post'ų, atrodo įdomus;)