Follow Photo notebook


Last weeks

were quite busy. School started, had a lot of homework, and no free space in my bag for that big NIKON of mine. So, sorry for no photos, but now I will try to add some, that I have taken since my last post.
This few weeks had some lovely, warm and sunny days...
also these days were filled with basketball. These are some shots from one going to a café to see a match. Lithuania - France. Sadly we lost. That was one tensed game.
Also, haven't forgotten about art. The first photo shows my english project poster. The name of the project is "our last careless summer". No more explanations needed I suppose.
And the other two shows my drawing on sticky notes addiction.
Bought some new lovely and warm autumn shoes!!! I love them...
 in that occasion cleaned my heel shelf.
And today its Friday, and I am sick like hell. So, decided to update this blog.

2 komentarai:

neringa rašė...

tik dabar atradau tavo bloga, bet galiu pasakyti, kad ji jau isimylejau!;)

T rašė...

Kaip malonu, ačiū labai! :)